YU Seforim Sale Returns February 6-24
After a two-year absence due to the COVID pandemic, the annual Seforim Sale at Yeshiva University returns from February 6 to February 24. Student CEO
After a two-year absence due to the COVID pandemic, the annual Seforim Sale at Yeshiva University returns from February 6 to February 24. Student CEO
Amnesty International has a long history of leveling maliciously false charges against Israel, and its leader, Agnès Callamard, had to apologize after her bizarre anti-Israel
Heichal HaTorah is excited to welcome the community to join in their new Community Night Seder program beginning this coming Monday night, February 7. Coordinated
Transformative gift to Rise Up campaign to fund Furst Hall renovation, which will be renamed the Belz Building. (Courtesy of YU) Dr. Ari Berman, president
On Sunday night, January 23, students of Yeshivat Sha’alvim packed into the beit midrash together with friends and family of Donny Morris, z”l. They were