RPRY Boys Head to Passaic for Shabbos
This past Shabbos, seventh grade boys enjoyed RPRY’s second annual seventh grade boys shabbaton in Passaic, a ruach- and fun-filled Shabbos with rebbeim, their families
This past Shabbos, seventh grade boys enjoyed RPRY’s second annual seventh grade boys shabbaton in Passaic, a ruach- and fun-filled Shabbos with rebbeim, their families
Yeshivat Noam kindergarten students loved coming back to school on Motzei Shabbat in their PJs. Together with their parents, they did crafts, attended circle time
This past week, Gan Shemesh explored the world of shapes! Did you know circles, squares, triangles and rectangles can be found all around us? The
KCP yeladim are fully immersed in learning all about Chanukah! The whole school is decorated with Chanukah inflatables like a Chanukah snowman, unicorn, menorah and
The Ramaz middle school held a special Thanksgiving assembly that celebrated many members of the school community. Throughout the program, attendees heard speeches from students
This past week, Heichal talmidim took a break from their regular daily schedule to run a 5K to support Yad Leah, a tzedaka organization that
Anshei Lubavitch students are discovering the world of engineering. Students enjoyed hands-on learning experiences where they used various materials to construct ladders just like the
The JKHA/RKYHS school community joins together in mourning Omer Neutra z”l and feels a shared pain over his death. A group of RKYHS students represented
Ms. Felsman’s Business and Entrepreneurship class at MTA had the privilege of hearing from best selling author and financier Ed Hajim. The talmidim learned about
He’Atid sixth and seventh graders recently had the privilege of hosting Jordan B. Gorfinkel, also known as “Gorf,” an influential figure in both the comic
Last week, MDS hosted an extraordinary event—The Light of Shabbat—a celebration that brought together students, families, faculty and the essence of Shabbat in a vibrant
Kol hakavod to almost 40 RYNJ middle school boys who have earned their spots in the Ring of Rishonim! These boys have consistently arrived extra