Friday, February 18th found the Yavneh Academy eighth grade students and faculty engaged in a day of chesed and educational challenges. Rabbi Aaron Ross began the day with a shiur, “How Random are Random Acts of Kindness?” As the grade studied sources together, the students were reminded that chesed benefits the individual who has acted as well as the recipient of the act.
The morning included four activities: challah braiding led by Morah Moriya; making blankets for the residents of the Jewish Home at Rockleigh led by Dr. Aliza Frohlich; Shabbat treats for Tomchei Shabbos led by Jason David; light up Purim cards for the children of Friendship Circle led by Gilit Herman.
The day concluded with an erev Shabbat oneg led by the Yavneh band, Azi Steiner, Rabbi Yehuda Segal and Arik Nagel, and music and churros. What a way to finish a beautiful day and welcome in Shabbat!