Students at the Bergen County High School (BCHSJS) of Jewish studies just got a dose of reality. Eventually, they’ll need to find a job. Yikes! BCHSJS is a supplementary school program for teens, and this kind of education is an important added value to any curriculum. In conjunction with the Jewish Family and Children’s Services’ Re-Launch services, BCHSJS students spent three sessions with Re-Launch’s Director Sandra Leshaw where they learned skills that will last them a lifetime. BCHSJS participant Madilyn Schmidt, a high school junior, said “It was such an informative experience. We learned about every aspect of applying for a job from beginning to end. We discussed how to prep for an interview, what to bring to it, what to wear and what questions to have prepared beforehand. A whole session was dedicated to formulating a resume, we were taught every detail down to the font size. During the last session we put all the skills together and simulated what a real interview would be like. We alternated being the interviewer, “interviewee” and a spectator. It was truly a great experience. I actually ended up using these skills in a recent interview and I got the job!”
It is experiences like these and connections between Jewish organizations that BCHSJS is built on.