This past Sunday, a special assembly was held at the Bergen County High School of Jewish Studies for those lost at the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting on Shabbat. The service was led by Chanan Strassman, guidance counselor at BCHSJS. Strassman spoke to the students to let them know that their BCHSJS teachers, staff and friends were there for them should they need them to talk about the tragedy. He talked about how it has deeply affected us and that our thoughts and prayers were with the victims and their loved ones. Gregory Fishbeyn, a 10th grader, read Tehillim (Psalm 130) and Abigail Stern, an 11th grader, read the “Acheinu.” prayer. “Acheinu” translates to our brothers and this prayer is a plea for God’s mercy on all suffering Jews and is often recited communally when prayers are offered for Jews who are in danger. Dr. Mark Silk, a BCHSJS teacher, chanted the El Malei Rachamim and also led all the students, teachers, staff and parents in attendance in singing “Hine Ma Tov Umanaim” to end the ceremony.