February 17, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Biale Rebbe of Bnei Brak Visits Passaic and West Orange

(Courtesy of Biale Bnei Brak) New Jersey residents are getting excited! The Rebbe is coming again. Hardly a year has passed since the Biale Rebbe of Bnei Brak has visited Passaic and West Orange, yet his return is highly anticipated. The Rebbe always attracts large crowds as hundreds of people of all types flock to see their revered Rebbe at all hours of the day and night, to experience the Rebbe’s blessing firsthand. Everyone wants to understand, what is it that draws so many people to see the Biale Rebbe again and again? What is it that causes thousands of people from different backgrounds to seek the Rebbe?


The Shadchante Is Waiting For Your Phone Call

A shy young couple waited to see the Rebbe. The woman shared: “I was in shidduchim for years, and nothing was working out. Last year I heard that the Biale Rebbe was coming to New York. I made an appointment and waited along with everyone else. My turn came and I went in to the Rebbe, nervous with anticipation. The Rebbe told me, ‘Call the shadchante today; she’s waiting for your call.’ I had given up on calling shadchanim, but the Rebbe’s words gave me the push to try again. I decided to give it a chance and called a shadchante I knew. As soon as I called, the shadchante exclaimed, ‘Wow, it’s so bashert that you called now! I just got a name of a wonderful bachur who could be perfect for you. But if you hadn’t called, I wouldn’t have thought of calling you!’ This phone call made with the Rebbe’s bracha brought me my shidduch, and b”H we’re happily married for a few months.”


I Was Sure I Was Finished,
But the Rebbe Saved My Life

When a person has a million dollars it’s not enough; they want more and more. Sometimes it works and sometimes… that happened to me. At a young age I joined my father’s business and right away I wanted the whole world: another property, another purchase. My portfolio grew, and the bank gave me loans and I continued buying and buying, until… one day the bank foreclosed my account, without advance warning. The bank saw that my income wasn’t exceeding my expenses and seized everything. Nothing I said, none of the grand plans I had, nothing helped. I was embarrassed to leave my house. I ruined my life, I finished my father’s whole fortune that he worked on for decades… I was totally depressed. On Friday night I went to shul near my house and I saw a commotion outside. A guest came: the Biale Rebbe! There was going to be a tish at my neighbor’s home. My neighbor practically forced me to come, promising it would be worth it. Before kiddush the Rebbe spoke, and I felt he was talking to me. The Rebbe said that even when everything seems bleak, even when a Yid thinks he lost everything, if he strengthens his emunah then he’ll never be alone, and there is a way out of every situation. I felt that the Rebbe was talking only to me. To make a long story short, with the Rebbe’s bracha and help, I came to be one of the greatest sponsors of the Rebbe’s mosdos and got out of the deep muddle I was in. I am now back in real estate and I remember to give maaser from all of my profits. I thank Hakadosh Baruch Hu for sending the Rebbe to me to extricate me from my predicament.


The Rebbe, Shlit’a

Twenty-two years ago, The Rebbe was barely in his early 30s when the yoke of leadership of Biale Chassidus Bnei Brak was thrust upon him. His greatness and guidance reached far beyond the borders of Bnei Brak as the Rebbe chose to draw his brethren from all over the world close to him by encouraging and helping them. The Rebbe is leader and mentor of a most respectable chassidus which is centrally based in Bnei Brak and has branches in Jerusalem, Beitar Illit, Ashdod, Bet Shemesh and Modiin Illit. This has added a new/old hue to the leadership of Biale chassidus. Every day hundreds of people from varying backgrounds, Sephardim and Ashkenazim alike. Ultra-Orthodox and those who have just donned a kippah, from Cholon to Bat Yam, Beer Sheba to Eilat, all stream to one address. The Rebbe opened his door and his heart to the whole of Klal Yisrael. Welcoming them with his compassionate heart and warm smile. People enter his room carrying a heavy load of troubles and worries however when they leave they are lighthearted and hopeful.

Biale Chassidus’ holy lineage stems from a holy sage named Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok from Peshischa. This revered tzaddik lived some 200 years ago and was known to all as the The Yid Hakadosh, the Holy Jew, from Peshischa. He was a disciple of the holy Chozeh of Lublin who was a direct fourth descendent of the holy Baal Shem Tov. The Yid Hakadosh was the greatest of Polish rabbis, rabbi to the leaders of Gur, Kotzk, Alexander and other great luminaries. Generations of tzaddikim in succession continued the tradition of the Yid Hakadosh. This chain was continued from father to son until the flame was kindled in our generation by the holy tzaddik and rebbe, Reb Yechiel Yehoshua from Biale, may his holy memory be blessed. He was the grandfather of our revered Rebbe, a direct descendent of five generations to the Yid Hakadosh.


The Chelkas Yehoshua

Prewar Poland boasted of the Rebbe’s grandfather, Reb Yechiel Yehoshua, ztk”l as one of its greatest leaders. However, his fame reached a pinnacle during the terrible Holocaust when he uncompromisingly sanctified Hashem’s name, first in occupied Poland and later in the freezing Siberia. When he reached Israel all the great rabbis acknowledged him as a great tzaddik. He was deified and honored as an angel in a mortal world.


The Lahavas Dovid

Next in line was the Rebbe’s father, the holy Rabbi Dovid Mattisyahu, ztk”l. He was renowned and famous for his purity and greatness. During his lifetime his father appointed him as head of Yeshivas Biale. During his travels throughout the world he revived the broken hearted with his moving prayers and heartfelt talks. People were drawn to him from afar. His tall handsome profile reminded many of his holy father’s image.

The Rebbe continues to tow this beautiful golden chain. However, he does not suffice with leading his own community. He is concerned about the welfare of all of Klal Yisrael. Several times a year he leaves the comforts of his home and visits countries and communities where no other Chassidic Rebbe has ever been. He embraces those who have strayed. He strengthens, encourages, motivates and directs until another Jew has found his way back to our Father in Heaven.


The Iron Swords War

If every year before Pesach the Rebbe is busy helping widows and orphans, this year, since the start of the war on October 7, the Rebbe can’t sleep at night. The Rebbe says Tehillim every day together with the yeshiva bachurim, so that the Biale chassidim finish the entire Tehillim every day on behalf of the hostages and soldiers who are fighting for am Yisrael. Every day, soldiers on their way to battle come with their parents for a bracha from the Rebbe. The Rebbe takes their names and doesn’t stop davening for their safety.


Chizuk for Soldiers

Biale’s chesed organizations have been there for the soldiers since the start of the war. Biala followers arrived at the meeting places in the north and south with containers full of meat and delicacies and held barbecues for the soldiers with singing and dancing. Every soldier received a large care package before leaving for battle. Biale friends from around the world also sent vital supplies for the soldiers. We all hope and pray that all the soldiers come home safely with victory for Am Yisrael.


The Rebbe Knows

A couple enters the Rebbe’s chambers, both have written a request with their names and the names of their children. Each name had a different request. One was having trouble in school, another needed help in his business. The Rebbe looks at the kvitel and tells the husband “You should take a walk with your wife once a week. If you respect your wife, your problems will be solved.” The woman burst out crying. This is the first time they met the Rebbe, and he was aware of everything going on between the couple. The Rebbe is unconcerned about the tens of people waiting outside and patiently expounds on the importance of domestic peace. The Rebbe gives them detailed instructions on how to bring their hearts closer. The Rebbe tells them that the key to happiness and success, as well as nachas from their children, lies in the respect shown between the parents. And so, another couple exits with a happy smile on their faces. After a while the Rebbe’s secretary receives a note from the wife saying: “The Rebbe saved our marriage!”


The Rebbe’s Lodging

The Rebbe will be staying in Passaic, from Monday August 5, until Friday August 8, at the house of the honorable hostesses Mr. and Mrs. Barry and Meira Lebovitz, 14 Dakota Street, Passaic. From Friday August 8, the Rebbe will stay at the famous pursuers of chesed who always open their house for the needy, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph and Lori Rozehzadeh, 19 Roosevelt Avenue, West Orange.


Shabbos Farbrengen and Tish in West Orange

Hundreds are expected to join and enjoy the amazing oneg Shabbos tish which the Rebbe will hold Friday night, August 9, at the Rozehzadeh home, at 9:30 p.m. The most special part of the tish is the famous kiddush which the Rebbe performs. It is well known that the Rebbe’s kiddush is capable of bringing about great miracles. The emotive singing and dancing at the Rebbe’s tishim elevate its participants to a standard of “ma’eyn oilam habah!” This will be followed with an abundance of divrei Torah and hashkafa.

Now the residents of Passaic and West Orange have this unique opportunity. If you have not yet had the merit of meeting the Rebbe and would like to book an appointment for a personal consultation, blessing or advice, call the Rebbe’s private secretary now! (English speaking) telephone no. 917-272-40-45 or WhatsApp 5162310379 or send an email to [email protected].

Don’t miss this opportunity.

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