February 12, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Divrei Torah

Parshat Eikev

One cannot help but pity iron. Compared to its “flashier” cousins, gold, silver, and copper, it appears dull and plain. In Tanach, its treatment gets

A Zaidie Writes to a Rebbe

The following letter was given to JLBCto print because its author, a frum Jew, believes we must monitor and be fully aware of some of

Da’as Torah

Da’as-Torah—the idea that there is a “Torah view” on everything—has taken hold of the Orthodox world.  And how can it not?  If indeed the Torah,

Legacy Schools Matter, too

So let me get this straight- the current schools are bad and expensive. Kids don’t feel engaged- they told you so. And they don’t like

“Words, Mere Words”

I have kept my time-worn copy of Roget’s Thesaurus in my personal library since I was in the seventh grade. It was given to me

Kinot: The Language of Loss

For twenty years I have led presentations on Kinot every Tisha B’Av morning. It therefore felt most appropriate for me to respond affirmatively to the

Zealotry and Tolerance

Jewish people teach Jewish values to their children, and to all who wish to be informed about their faith. If one is asked,“Should I or

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