February 12, 2025

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Fair Lawn Mikvah Association Celebrates Annual Dinner

FLMA president Shira Teichman delivered opening and closing remarks.

(Courtesy of Fair Lawn Mikvah Association) On Jan. 4, over 150 women gathered at the Fair Lawn Mikvah Association’s Second Annual Dinner to recognize, celebrate and support the Mikvah Chava Faiga of Fair Lawn. The Fair Lawn mikvah, originally built in 1989 inside Cong. Shomrei Torah, was rededicated in June 2023 after an extensive renovation. The upgrades not only expanded the space but also increased privacy, enabling it to better serve the rapidly growing Fair Lawn Jewish community.

Since the renovation, the number of women using the mikvah each month has more than doubled. Women from within and outside of Fair Lawn are drawn to its relaxing atmosphere and welcoming staff. The mikvah staff welcomes feedback from women, accommodates women with as much flexibility as possible, and attends to all women with the utmost sensitivity. The mikvah’s day-to-day operations are overseen by the Fair Lawn Mikvah Association (FLMA), a group with members representing seven shuls in Fair Lawn. With the growing number of nightly female patrons and the many other services the mikvah provides for the community (e.g., keilim mikvah, men’s use of the mikvah on erev Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, training sessions for mikvah staff, outreach programming), the Mikvah Chava Faiga has truly become a full-service facility.

Exciting prize package raffles were a highlight of the fundraising dinner.

To help fund these important efforts, the FLMA organized the mikvah’s inaugural annual dinner last year. A committee consisting of FLMA members and volunteers from the community was formed to spearhead the event. After the success of last year’s inaugural dinner, the community realized how important it was to support its most sacred institution, the mikvah, and how enjoyable it was to gather and socialize at a broader communal event. At this year’s second annual dinner, in keeping with this theme of unity, rebbetzins from the community led the crowd in a recitation of Tehillim. FLMA President Shira Teichman spoke about the importance of gathering at such events, cherishing moments of inspiration and shared exciting updates about the mikvah’s progress.

The keynote speaker, Yael Davidowitz, delivered an engaging, uplifting message as well as practical strategies to increase ahavat Yisrael, loving-kindness to fellow Jews, a truly relevant topic and one that women of all ages, stages and backgrounds found relatable and meaningful. Fair Lawn is a community “founded on pillars of ahavat Yisrael,” as Teichman described in her closing remarks, and this annual event highlights the community’s values of acceptance, warmth and unity.

The women of Fair Lawn showed up in support of their beautiful mikvah.

The evening featured a delicious buffet dinner catered by Ma’adan, complete with a sushi station and customized poke bowls. Between the delectable dinner and wonderful prizes raffled off, the dinner committee created a truly magnificent evening for the women of Fair Lawn. The FLMA is grateful to all attendees for their generous support of the mikvah and for making the event a resounding success. To donate, visit fairlawnmikvah.org/donate and to stay updated about the Mikvah Chava Faiga, join the email list by visiting bit.ly/flma-mailing-list.

The women of Fair Lawn showed up in support of their beautiful mikvah.
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