Medical education at Touro’s New York Medical College is kept all in the family.

(Courtesy of Touro University) Medical school can be daunting but going through it with a sibling, especially an identical twin, can make the process more manageable and even enjoyable. Esther Miller and Elisheva Miller, class of 2028 at Touro’s New York Medical College (NYMC). have shared many milestones, and now they are embarking on their first year of medical school together.
“It’s nice to have someone to talk to who fully understands the magnitude of applying and going through medical school,” said Elisheva. “We’ve always pushed each other to our full potential and coached each other. We both want to do well and want each other to do well.”
Medicine was always in the cards for the Miller twins. With their family of nine consisting of a doctor, physical therapist, nurses, as well as professionals in the business sector of health care, their early years were filled with medical discussions and insights, inspiring the twins to follow a similar path. Each evening, when dinner was served, they would sit with their family at the kitchen table and hear about various patient cases. “I was at the edge of my seat and wanted to hear more,” said Esther.
Growing up playing competitive basketball with her twin, Esther recalls watching sports and being intrigued when there was an injury. She’d watch the replays of the incident and be curious to know more. At other times, while reading her favorite book genre, often packed with tragedy and illness, she wanted to know the “why” it happened and understand “how” it would be treated. Through her reading, she learned more about orthopedics, cardiology, rheumatology, and endocrinology. “I looked up to medical professionals and hoped someday that I would be able to diagnose, understand, and heal as they were doing,” said Esther.
The Miller sisters’ drive for health care went beyond what they heard and saw. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the twins served as EMTs, administering COVID-19 vaccines from a New York City mobile van. The Millers combined their passion for mathematics and science, earning their bachelor’s degrees in biochemistry at Stern College for Women. When the time came to decide which route in medicine they wanted to take, the choice was a no-brainer. “The next step was obviously medical school,” said Elisheva, “We enjoy school, learning, and growing. We didn’t mind going through additional years of education to become doctors.”
Community, values and location were crucial in determining their choice of medical school, and NYMC excelled in all three. The College, under the auspices of Touro University, offered them a place that aligned with their religion as Orthodox Jews and allowed them to meet like-minded individuals close to home. Their decision was also made easier because of the experiences of their older sister Deena Merzel M.D. ‘18, an NYMC alumna who is currently completing her fellowship in pediatric gastroenterology at The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore. “Our sister loved the faculty and the camaraderie of her class,” said Esther. “Deena often told us how the students at the College don’t see each other as competitors, but work together throughout their years here, which I admired,” said Elisheva.
Dr. Merzel takes great pride in seeing her sisters study medicine in the same classrooms where she learned just a few years earlier. “As my sisters embark on their own journey at NYMC, I’m both proud and excited,” she said. “It’s not just about sharing an alma mater; it’s about experiencing the enriching environment while continuing a legacy of compassion and learning. Their passion reminds me of my formative years, and I’m eager for them too to create memorable moments and forge their own successes. I’m already re-living my days at NYMC vicariously through them and can’t wait to see how they impact the future of medicine in profound ways.”
Lovers of education, the twins are eager to delve into anatomy, connect with their “chevra,” and get involved on campus. With their combined dedication, the Miller sisters are not only pursuing their dreams but are also poised to contribute to the medical community in ways that honor their family legacy and inspire others.