JEC kicked off Chanukah with a bang! On Thursday morning, second graders did an exceptional job performing in the annual Chanukah play. Teachers enjoyed a special faculty luncheon catered by Mike’s Chicken. In the afternoon, the full student body celebrated with an amazing chagiga featuring Thank You Hashem (TYH) and Shlomo Golombeck. Students enjoyed ruach filled dancing, swag giveaways, Chanukah trivia and TYH-inspired workshops. After the dancing, students rotated through TYH stations, enjoying yummy popcorn at “TYH for Food,” making friendship bracelets at “TYH for Friends,” taking pictures with friends at the “TYH for JEC” station, writing letters to chayalim at “TYH for Tzahal,” dreidel games at “TYH for Chanukah,” and they also filled a TYH mural with things they’re grateful for. The program concluded with a school wide kumzitz. Third, fourth and fifth graders also received Thank You Hashem gratitude journals. Thank you to Morah Kayla and the many staff members who helped reinforce this month’s theme of the power of gratitude!