February 7, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Join Kollel Chatzos and Elevate Your Spirit

That pre-dawn breeze on those early Selichos mornings. It whispers. Of promises for purity and opportunity and a better tomorrow.

Shteits oif tzu selichos… shteits oif tzu selichos…

As we inhale the pristine air, we know these moments are infused with special holiness. We embrace the opportunity to propel our deepest requests heavenward.

To Kollel Chatzos, this elevated experience is not reserved exclusively for Selichos mornings.

Night after night, talmidei chachamim in Chatzos Kollelim worldwide spend these golden hours immersed in Torah. And dawn after dawn, our talmidei chachamim culminate their learning seder with a fervent Shacharis k’vasikin, fueled by the zechusim of their nightlong session. It’s a tefilla that rings with the Selichos pre-dawn promise of purity and opportunity and a better tomorrow.

During these Selichos mornings, when Yidden recognize the specialness of these pre-dawn hours, they turn to Kollel Chatzos with a request: “Share your zechus with us.”

Because we know how difficult this past year was. How many healthy children became sick, how many happy families were ripped apart, how many people who were waiting for a yeshua are still waiting… We know how badly we need a better year.

We know there is nothing as powerful as Torah. Especially Torah learned in our zechus during the very hours that we attempt to penetrate Shamayim with our Selichos tefillos. And so, Yidden who appreciate that these are the very moments that define this coming year reach out to Kollel Chatzos with a request: daven for me.

Kollel Chatzos’s response? Join us! Become a Kollel Chatzos partner, and we will learn and daven on your behalf from Motzei Shabbos Selichos until Yom Kippur.

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