(Courtesy of Kosher Skinny Shots) You’ve seen the ads. You’ve heard the stories.
“It’s amazing. You take the shots and the weight just comes right off…”
“I lost 50 pounds in no time and I feel incredible!”
“It’s like magic. I don’t feel hungry. I don’t have any cravings and I’m losing so much weight!”
Known as “the shots” or “weight loss shots,” it’s been called a revolution in the weight loss industry, praised for its benefits and presented as a gentler, non-invasive alternative to weight loss surgery.
Maybe you’re wondering how it works.
Maybe, despite being jaded and frustrated by years of dieting and failed attempts at losing weight and keeping it off, you’ve allowed yourself to hope that this could be something different.
Curious about the shots and determined to get all the facts straight, we sat down for a firsthand, in-depth conversation with Shmuel Binyamin Weiss of Kosher Skinny Shots to find out everything there is to know about the shots.
Tell us a little about yourself. How did you get started in the weight loss industry?
I’ve worked in the health and wellness industry for over 25 years. I started my career helping people find the right supplements and vitamins for their specific needs. Over time it evolved into nutritional consulting and coaching, specifically helping people lose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Back in the day, before the shots existed, I worked mostly with people who were on high-protein, low-carb diets such as Keto and the Meisels diet. A high-protein diet is usually very effective in helping people lose weight, but I also saw how hard it was to stay on the diet and keep the weight off. As we’re all well aware, most diets are simply not sustainable in the long run.
Over time, I also got more involved in helping people who were exploring more medical weight loss options. It was then that I met my partner and together we learned about the shots. We studied how it works and the different options available.
I knew firsthand how much people struggle to lose weight. They try all kinds of diets but no matter how hard they work, the cravings and often hunger from suddenly eating much less, will usually get them in the end.
When I understood how the shots worked and saw how easy it is for a person to lose weight and change their lifestyle, I told my partner that this was it. We were going to focus on helping people lose weight and change their lives using the shots.

It sounds like a dream. You take the shots, you continue eating whatever you want day and night and you will still lose weight.
It may sound like a dream, but that’s not quite how it works.
First of all, people need to realize that it is a medication. Although it’s a medication with a low classification, meaning it has very few side effects and works almost naturally with the body, it is still medicine. You must consult with a qualified doctor who knows your medical history before taking the shots. Not everyone can take the medications that these shots contain.
This is why at Kosher Skinny Shots, in addition to our team of dedicated nutritionists and health coaches who are there to help you along the way, we work with one of the top doctors in the field, Dr. Joseph Oppenheimer, MD, who guides and supervises all the treatments.
That makes sense. It’s always important to be responsible and see a doctor before taking any kind of medication. This brings us back to the big question: How does it work? How do the shots help you lose weight?
Let me explain. These shots use peptides that safely work together with the natural hormones and processes in the body to get a specific result.
The natural peptides we have in our bodies do several things. Some act as hormones that tell our cells what to do. Others help with digestion or the immune system.
The medications used in the shots use peptides to mimic or influence these natural peptides. Since they’re so small and specific, they can do what they’re meant to do without causing any negative side effects.
In our case, these shots, which were originally created to treat Type 2 diabetes, help regulate a person’s blood sugar, avoiding a sharp rise in blood sugar that can often happen after eating, which usually leads to cravings when the blood sugar drops again. They also help slow your digestion and interact with your brain to reduce your appetite and make you feel full sooner.
Fascinating. I have a lot more questions, but you mentioned that these shots were originally created to treat Type 2 diabetes. Can you tell us what you meant by that and share with us a little about the history of these medications?
It all started way back at the end of the 1900s when a series of exciting discoveries eventually led to the creation of Ozempic, the first drug of its kind, back in 2017. You must have heard of Ozempic, right?
Of course! That’s the shot that started this whole thing, no?
Yes. It was created by a company Novo Nordisk in Denmark, who, like I said before, originally intended it to treat Type 2 diabetes. But they quickly discovered that it was also really effective for weight loss. Since it was so safe to use, it quickly became extremely popular to the point that today, the company simply can’t produce enough and there are constant shortages worldwide. In 2021, Novo Nordisk introduced Wegovy, which uses the same medication as Ozempic, just with a slightly higher dose and is designed specifically for weight loss.
But there is one big downside to using Ozempic and Wegovy, which held many people back from trying it. It can cause people to feel nauseous all the time, which makes it extremely uncomfortable to use.
In 2022 and 2023, Eli Lilly, one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world, introduced Mounjaro and Zepbound. These shots use a different type of peptide medication and proved to not only be more effective with weight loss but they also don’t cause the constant nausea that the others do.
This is why, at Kosher Skinny Shots, Dr. Oppenheimer will usually prescribe Mounjaro or other similar ones, because people have a much better experience using it than Ozempic or Wegovy.
OK, I understand where it comes from, but what does this all mean in reality?
Good question. Let me explain it to you this way.
There are two main factors that drive a person to eat. One, their stomach is empty and they’re physically hungry and need to eat. Two, for emotional reasons, because of how food makes them feel. People eat because it makes them feel good, helps them deal with stress, helps them fit in, and many other emotional reasons.
Like I said, the shots slow your digestion, so you feel fuller faster and it also reduces your appetite and cravings so you don’t think about food all day.
But the truth is that there are two kinds of people who take the shots.
One kind of person wants to change their lifestyle and eating habits, lose weight and be healthier. So they exercise and eat well and just use the shots to get a boost to help them along on their health journey.
This is the right way to do it and these people enjoy the best results.
The second kind are the people who don’t really want to do anything. They don’t want to watch what they eat, or do anything. They just want to take the shots, continue doing whatever they want and let it take care of all their problems.
These are the people who will usually struggle more with the program because they are indirectly fighting against the medication. For example, they will see that they don’t feel hungry anymore, but instead of stopping to eat they will tell themselves that they ate so little and continue eating emotionally. This will cause them to feel sick and keep them from losing weight.
Earlier you mentioned side effects, and now you said that they will feel sick. Are there any negative side effects that can result from taking the shots?
As I mentioned before, the medications used in the shots are extremely safe and gentle on the body. But yes, some people can experience constipation as a side effect, because the shots slow down your digestion. Most people don’t have this issue, but if they do, it can be easily treated using safe and natural supplements that relieve constipation.
Also, if a person overeats or eats too much of certain foods, they will feel very uncomfortable and suffer from nausea or indigestion.
What do you mean if they overeat or eat certain foods they can feel sick?
The shots slow your digestion down so if you eat too much or you eat certain types of food you can feel sick.
The first kind of foods to avoid are very oily, fried and heavily processed foods. The second is food high in sugar: desserts, cakes, cookies, ice cream, candies, soda and even fruit.
It’s not that you can never eat it. You can enjoy some cholent, a piece of overnight kugel or a slice of cake. Just be conscious of how much you eat because if you eat too much of it you’ll feel sick.
So these shots are really a tool to help you change your eating habits and live a healthier lifestyle.
Exactly. These shots are meant to be taken for a limited amount of time. A person should take the shots and use the medication to help him change his life.
It’s a tool to help you lose weight, keep the weight off and help you live a healthier life. It’s a means to an end. Not something to become dependent on for the rest of your life.
Can you explain to me what will happen once I decide that I want to take the shots?
First, you will be examined by a doctor, to make sure it’s safe for you to take this medication.
Then you’ll start taking the shots once a week. It’s called an insulin shot and it uses the thinnest needle that’s on the market. A person takes it himself. It’s very easy to use, and even people who are normally afraid of needles don’t usually have a problem because you really don’t feel it and it doesn’t bleed. The shot delivers a tiny dose of the medication.
What’s interesting is that the medication doesn’t start working right away. You don’t suddenly start feeling different. It can take two to three days before a person realizes that they are feeling less hungry or that they can’t eat as much as they used to. It’s extremely gentle and you start feeling the effects slowly but surely. There are no drastic changes.
I usually recommend that people take the shot in the middle of the week so when Shabbos comes around they will be able to enjoy their Shabbos in moderation without going overboard and gaining back all the weight they lost.
What’s nice about it, too, is usually when people try other diets they are constantly fighting with their own bodies not to eat and give in to their cravings. It can really make you feel down and frustrated.
But when people take the shots this doesn’t happen! They don’t feel any cravings; they’re not hungry; they don’t feel restricted—they feel great! They’re happy and full of energy again!
Sounds awesome. But why should I choose Kosher Skinny Shots? Can’t any doctor prescribe these shots for me?
That’s a fair question. Yes, it’s true that any doctor can prescribe the shots but you would still need someone to guide you through the process.
But here’s what’s different about Kosher Skinny Shots:
First, we don’t just prescribe the medication and leave you to it. Besides being under the care of one of the best doctors in the field, we have a dedicated staff of nutritionists who are ready to answer any questions you may have at any time. We’re here to help you figure it all out and will do everything we can to ensure your long-term success.
Second, we work with a high-level pharmacy that undergoes regular FDA inspections to make sure that the medications that we use are of the best quality and are absolutely safe.
But that’s not all. We also offer the most cost-effective and gentle solution out there.
To buy a one-month supply of shots at a time can be very expensive. So we negotiated with our pharmaceutical supplier and created a special package: $1,200 for 3 ½-months supply. This is the most cost-effective option per milligram.
You see, the FDA recommends that a person start the first month with 2.5 milligrams every week, the second month they’ll go up to 5 milligrams every week, and the third month they’ll go up to 7.5 milligrams a week.
Why does the dosage go up? Because the body can adjust to the small dose and it may not work so well anymore so you may need to slowly increase the dose in order to continue feeling the effects of the medication.
Now this is not a general rule. It’s just what the FDA recommends.
At Kosher Skinny Shots we believe that it’s best to keep a person on the smallest dose possible for as long as possible.
We do this for several reasons:
One, because it’s healthier that way. No one wants to take medication they don’t really need.
Two, if you take a smaller dose it is easier to keep the weight down and continue eating healthily even when you stop taking the shots. If you become dependent on a large dose and suddenly stop taking it, then the cravings will come back really strong and cause you to gain weight.
And finally, it’s a lot cheaper this way. When you take less medication it costs way less. So when a person buys a package for 3 ½ months it can often last them much longer. It can last up to four or even five months because they’re taking a smaller dose.
But most importantly, at Kosher Skinny Shots, we’re there with you throughout the entire process from beginning to end. We provide you with full nutritional, emotional and technical support at no extra cost. From the time you take your first shot until the end when we help you wean off the medication and guide you on what to eat and how to keep the weight off; we’re there for you all the way to make sure that you get the best results.
So how do I contact Kosher Skinny Shots to get started?
Call 646-609-9846.
We’re here to help everyone live a better, healthier life, and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.