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September 16, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

May We Continue to Stand Strong

In the Haftorah of Parshas Re’eh the Navi says, “Any tongue that stands up to judge you, you will show as evil.” This is very apropos for what occurred in the aftermath of the tragedy on Shabbos Parshas Re’eh, when several left-wing media outlets whitewashed the murder of six Jewish hostages by saying in their headlines that they had “died,” implying a natural death. There were swift and strong reactions from many, particularly among Jews.

It has been gratifying to see Yidden, then and in other circumstances of the Gaza War, answering back to our detractors. May we see more Yidden responding strongly in our defense, Bimhera Biyomeinu.

Rabbi Eli Reit
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