MTA talmidim and rebbeim enjoyed an incredible yeshiva-wide shabbaton on November 15—17. It began with an eventful Thursday evening being “snowed in” yeshiva, where everyone still had a great time playing basketball, hockey and ping-pong, in addition to learning in the beit midrash and having a kumzitz. After a safe, early Friday morning arrival at The Raleigh in South Fallsburg, talmidim and rebbeim enjoyed a fantastic day—from learning, bowling, mini hockey, ping pong and swimming to flag football and building snowmen, there was something for everyone. “We are grateful to Hashem for our safe arrival and to our amazing rebbeim and faculty who went above and beyond to ensure the safety of our talmidim,” said Head of School Rabbi Joshua Kahn. “We are also incredibly proud of our talmidim, whose midot throughout the delay truly showed what incredible bnei Torah they are. The event continued on to an inspirational Shabbat. The beautiful tefillot and zemirot, lively seudot, inspiring Divrei Torah, as well as the singing, dancing, learning and games were all amazing. However, the warmth, ruach and achdus that was felt by all throughout Shabbats, were what truly made it so incredible. Watching talmidim from different grades and tracks getting to know each other better and seeing rebbeim and faculty members and their families bond with each other and the talmidim, are what makes this shabbaton a special and memorable experience.