MTA had the privilege of hosting New York State Assemblyman Marcos Crespo of District 85 on Wednesday, February 20. Assemblyman Crespo met with MTA students, faculty and board members and watched learning come to life in the yeshiva’s state-of-the-art STEM Lab. Assemblyman Crespo explored hands-on STEM activities and discovered the technology behind each one with tutorials from students. He also took the time to have a thoughtful discussion with them on education and Jewish values. Assemblyman Crespo shared his love for Israel and passion for enabling families to choose the best education for their children. “We truly enjoyed meeting with such an impressive and committed leader,” said Head of School Rabbi Joshua Kahn. “We are grateful for Assemblyman Crespo’s support and for our partnership with Yeshiva University and Teach NYS, which were both instrumental in making this visit happen.”