The largest Jewish women’s event in the Metropolitan area is the Mikvah Chana Gala, in Livingston, planned for Wednesday, February 26. Eight hundred women and high school girls are anticipated to attend this beautiful annual fundraiser. Noa Tishby, two-time New York Times bestselling author and Israel’s former special envoy for combating antisemitism and delegitimization, will be the guest speaker. Co-chaired by Toba Grossbaum and Dara Orbach, the evening will start at 7 p.m., with a special VIP event for sponsors at 6:15 p.m.
Born in Tel Aviv, Tishby became a household name in Israel before moving to Los Angeles, where she made history producing “In Treatment,” the first Israeli TV show adapted for American television.
At the Mikvah Chana Gala women share pride in their Judaism. It gathers ladies from various circles, learning how the mikvah plays a part in their lives, including before a wedding, around a special occasion and bringing their daughters.
Tishby exemplifies pride in Judaism. She founded Act for Israel, a leading Israel advocacy organization and co-created Reality Israel, leadership trips to Israel for global professionals. Her books, “Israel: A Simple Guide” and “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Jew,” have earned her a prominent voice in Israel advocacy. She will surely inspire and encourage all in attendance.
Mikvah Chana, located in Livingston, is one of the most luxurious Jewish ritual bath facilities in Essex County, serving more than 600 women annually. The facility also includes a men’s mikvah and keilim (vessel) mikvah. Built in 2006, the mikvah was dedicated in loving memory of Annette Felsen, z”l, a woman of valor who demonstrated modesty and humility.
“We dedicated the mikvah in memory of my dear great-grandmother, Annette Felsen, whose name was Chana,” explained Dara Orbach. “My Nanny, as we called her, was the matriarch and role model of our family, who taught us many invaluable life lessons in the nearly 100 years that she was blessed to be part of our lives. We are so happy that her spiritual legacy lives on through Mikvah Chana.”
At the Gala on February 26 an array of appetizers will be served along with desserts and raffles to follow. Many businesses and merchants have graciously donated gifts and services for the auction of impressive gift baskets. Dedicated volunteers and a large committee work to put together this memorable evening. “Last year we sold out to capacity,” remarked Toba Grossbaum. “You never know who you’ll bump into!”
Event couvert is $90 per person. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Reservations are required. Please RSVP at MikvahChana.com/Event.
To learn more about about Mikvah Chana or to arrange for a private tour, call 973-994-0200 or email [email protected]