February 14, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

SAR HS Celebrates Adar

This year, the phrase “Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’simcha,” was a true reality at SAR High School. Students returned from February break to a festively decorated beit midrash, lobby and atrium. Throughout the week, Purim songs were played over the loudspeaker during breakfast and in-between periods. Every student had the chance to package mishloach manot for the less fortunate, and some grades did a “Mystery Mordechai” an anonymously packaged mishloach manot for a friend. On Friday, in the spirit of “vehnafoch hu,” the freshmen led pre-Shabbos ruach during first period (as opposed to the seniors who usually lead it during last period). As students left the building that day, they were given hamantashen as a pre-Shabbos treat. Students had two fun dress up days: crazy hat day and jersey day. On Tuesday morning at breakfast time, students were given out “Smoothinis” as a way of getting excited for Smoothini’s Purim Night performance. The happiness in the air was palpable, as was the mounting excitement for Purim.

Purim night at SAR High School brought out the best in the students and featured world class entertainment from former “America’s Got Talent” star Smoothini. Students read from the megillah and then headed to the gym for a break the fast where students were wowed by Smoothin’s tableside magic. The night concluded as the crowd packed the auditorium for Smoothini’s stage show, a costume contest voted on by students via text message polling, and faculty and student Purim shpiels. On Purim morning, seniors organized a minyan at school with megillah reading followed by a gourmet breakfast and shiur from Rabbi Zev Bannett on the mystical meaning of Purim. Purim at SAR High School was filled with fun, comedy and students performing at their very best.

Yasher Koach to the student activities team for implementing such a fun-filled month!

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