February 13, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

The Secret to a Smooth Aliyah Experience

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to step off that plane in Ben Gurion Airport knowing that so many of the details of moving to a new home in a new country were already handled?

True, olim today enjoy an experience that is markedly different than even 20 years ago. Thanks to tremendous advances in the process, the experience today is head and shoulders above the sometimes difficult—albeit humorous—tales of yore.

Nonetheless, Olim still need to grapple with the everyday necessities of life. Some are lucky enough to have family or close friends already in Israel who will help with an initial grocery shopping, but what about buying home appliances, transferring utilities into their name, registering children for school, buying school supplies, establishing home telephone and Internet? Chances are, even the closest of friends or relatives won’t be in a position to help.

Olim are increasingly turning to professionals on the ground in Israel to manage the myriad details that come into play. Debbie Rosenberg and her husband, Allan, recently moved from Teaneck to Raanana, and found that having additional professional help was key to a successful absorption. They worked with Tamarin Concierge, based in Modiin.

“Tammy and Tamar were instrumental in making our aliyah a very smooth transition,” Ms. Rosenberg was happy to share. “They did everything from measuring spaces in our apartment and ordering our appliances; to arranging our water, tax and gas bills; to setting up our parking and toll apps, as well as making sure we had our phones and Internet all hooked up.”

Tamarim was established in 2011 by Tamar Pearlman and Tammy Braverman, with the singular goal of meeting the exacting needs of English-speaking visitors to and residents of Israel. The pair had made aliyah with their families in the summer of 2007, and attended Ulpan together.

“Quite frankly, I don’t know how people can make aliyah without Tamarim,” shared Ernest, who moved with his wife, Aviva, and their family from Toronto to Modiin. “Our aliyah would have been incredibly more difficult without Tamarin. They found us a home exactly where we wanted to live. When appliances needed to be replaced and we were out of town, they were on the case without hesitation and had everything up and running before we returned. Tamarim helped us every step of the way and considerably eased our transition and contributed to our successful aliyah.”

Tamarim offers aliyah and relocation assistance; gift baskets; property management; event planning; and travel and itinerary development. Partners Tammy and Tamar will be in New York from March 3-9 to participate in the Nefesh B’Nefesh Mega Aliyah Fair on March 6, and to host a number of parlor meetings in the NJ area with potential olim.

For more information, please see www.tamarimconcierge.com.

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