Moriah Students Raise Funds For Three WunderWagons
The Moriah School in Englewood will be donating three WunderWagons to the pediatric oncology floor in Hackensack Hospital after a successful goods and services fundraiser
The Moriah School in Englewood will be donating three WunderWagons to the pediatric oncology floor in Hackensack Hospital after a successful goods and services fundraiser
Englewood—To honor the 18th yahrzeit of his mother, Ruth, former Englewood mayor Michael Wildes sponsored a lecture by Harvard Professor, Israel advocate, author and attorney
Teaneck—Herring, the classic Kiddush dish, is being celebrated on motzei Shabbat of December 14th at the Bergen County Herring Festival. The festival, hosted by Netivot
Ever wonder what the average night is like for local police officers? The Bergenfield PD aimed to answer that question for locals on December 6
The annual Project Ezrah dinner is taking place this Motzei Shabbos at Keter Torah in Teaneck. If you live in Bergen County and are a
To the Editor: How ironic that last week’s front page article entitled, ‘The Iran Deal: On the Record and Analysis’ begins with a quote by
They had been waiting outside the classroom for over 20 minutes. They could see the parents that were huddled with Rabbi Jacobs by his desk, deep in
There is no denying the fact that press coverage of Israel by media outlets around the world is often less than flattering. Indeed, Israel is
Our family enjoyed this past Shabbos at my parent’s home. Now that our children are getting older, they enjoy rummaging through my things that are
While it’s “The Season” for most of the world to eat turkey dinners, to watch football games ad nauseam, to shop ‘til you drop, to
Paramus—I have lived in Bergen County for 42 years and I have been active in my synagogue, community affairs, UJA and several day schools. One
In times where the cohesive vision of the American Dream seems to be dissolving into an American entitlement-nightmare—which will certainly drown us from sea to