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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

March 6, 2014

Coconut Oil Clarifed

We were told to avoid coconut oil like the plague. Now it sits proudly on the shelf, often near the olive oil. We were warned

Dreams and Milestones

It was not long ago that our son-in-law, Moshe, told us of his dream—his wish—to begin a newspaper in Teaneck. He even told Nina that

Removing the Emotional Mask

The holiday of Purim brings various images to my mind. I think of the characters in the Purim story, of the classic cartoons we have

Memories of Another Bad Winter

As we suffered through another in a never-ending series of snowstorms here in northeast New Jersey, I was reminded that we just celebrated the 45th

Mazel Tov

Mazel tov to Eliana Gur-Aryeh on her 12th birthday and bat mitzvah!  Mazal tov to her parents Allyson and Shoval and to her sister Kayla! 

Grandma—What Did You Say?

Part three of four articles on Financial Planning for Special Needs Families In the initial article of this series, “If the Patriarchs Were My Clients,”

Putting the Mitzvah in Bar Mitzvah

Rabbi Chanoch Yeres, director of the Deaf Programming Division of International Young Israel Movement (IYIM), leads a 2013 bar mitzvah for 63 deaf and hard of hearing children.

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