Shabbat in Rwanda: Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach at My Shabbat Table
This summer I volunteered to participate in a program run through Montefiore Hospital and the HRH (Human Resources for Health Program) to help educate physicians
This summer I volunteered to participate in a program run through Montefiore Hospital and the HRH (Human Resources for Health Program) to help educate physicians
Tel-Aviv–Terrorist activity by Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis has increased in recent weeks. Presumably the organization’s growing activity in Sinai, which is spilling over into Egyptian cities,
Bergen County–“What can we do to help?” is a question that constantly plagues us when we hear of a tragedy or of somebody going through
TIP and combined services–Palestinian leaders over the weekend lashed out against the State Department, after Foggy Bottom harshly criticized a speech given by Palestinian Authority
Many of the avid fiction readers among us were inspired by great books we read as young adults. Novels we read as older children and
The Killer B’z finished their regular season on a three-game losing streak, giving them a chip on their shoulders as they entered the postseason. In
The political responses to Netanyahu’s speech at the UN General Assembly were not long in coming. Leaders of political parties and Knesset members from across
In his office, next to photos of his wife and family, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu keeps a portrait of Theodor Herzl. “He was a
At the beginning of September, President Barack Obama met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the sidelines of the NATO Summit in Wales. After
As Iran’s nuclear program inches closer to international acceptance, a number of countries– Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, Algeria and Egypt–are in various stages of planning
If you are looking to maximize your mitzvah opportunities after Yom Kippur, Ahavat Achim in Fair Lawn is the place for you. Why focus on
Local 7-year-old boy, Joshie Rabitz, literally locked horns with 1042 others at the Great Shofar Blowout presented by the Partnership for Jewish Learning and Life.