The Elmora Hills Minyan: Member Driven by Member Values
Elizabeth—The Elmora Hills Minyan was founded by members focused on creating an environment conducive to strengthening one’s relationship with Hashem in a respectful and serious
Elizabeth—The Elmora Hills Minyan was founded by members focused on creating an environment conducive to strengthening one’s relationship with Hashem in a respectful and serious
Two Daughters of Israel staff members received prestigious awards from Leading Age New Jersey at a ceremony on December 9 at Forsgate Country Club in
From 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on January 28, at Ignite Yoga Center, 19 South Livingston Avenue, 2nd floor in Livingston, a Kula for Karma
Adath Israel of Elizabeth will be starting two new programs for bat mitzvah-aged girls. The first bat mitzvah program is a “chesed committee.” There will
On Thursday, February 4, at 7:30 p.m., Congregation Etz Chaim’s Men’s Club will be hosting “Steak and Scotch with the Rabbi” at ETC Steakhouse in
It was billed as “Mega-Mitzvah Mania,” and it certainly lived up to the hype, as nearly 200 children and adults gathered at Friendship Circle on
Flanders, New Jersey—Camp Deeny Riback, the premiere Jewish day camp in New Jersey, has begun construction on a brand-new pool. This state-of-the-art aquatic facility will
I have long believed that all conflicts between people could be settled if the parties to the dispute would agree to simply sit down together
Josh Steinberg had never been to a movie mogul’s office before. He was expecting it to be lavish, or at least plush. But he was
Does one Levi suffice for the washing of the hands of the Kohanim or should all Levi’im in the synagogue help the Kohanim prepare for
Periodically, at a simcha, the waiter will give the guests a choice of what kind of soup they would like. When the waiter asks me
An Electric Scooter on Shabbat: Can an ill person use an electric scooter if it’s a gerama (delayed action, permissible on Shabbat in certain extenuating