Shomrei Torah of Fair Lawn Asks a Good Question
Question: What do you get when you bring together nearly 70 people for a night out of trivia, dinner, wine, raffles and fun in Fair
Question: What do you get when you bring together nearly 70 people for a night out of trivia, dinner, wine, raffles and fun in Fair
OHEL Children’s Home and Family Services warmly welcomed First Lady Chirlane McCray as she spoke to leaders of Jewish social service organizations in NYC about
Shifra and Larry Shafier are the honorees at this year’s Congregation Beth Aaron Annual Dinner, and Yacha and Mo-b Singer are the Shelly Leffel Service
Growing old and taking care of yourself and your parents at the same time were among the topics addressed by Dr. Steven Huberman, dean of
While his friends and classmates posted pictures from beaches and ski slopes around the globe, Jeremy Finkelstein, a sixth grader at Yavneh Academy in Paramus,
On Motzei Shabbat, February 13, The Jewish Learning Experience (JLE) of Bergen County will celebrate its 30th anniversary with a dinner at the Jewish Center
The Jewish Educational Center’s Alumni Network will be hosting its annual memorial event dedicated to Mrs. Chaya Newman, the late principal of Bruriah High School
Think Pink With JFNNJ at Englewood Hospital for Sharsheret’s Pink Day Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey’s Volunteer Center and its Women’s Philanthropy are teaming
At the Young Israel of Teaneck, on Tuesday, February 9, at 8 pm, Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg will be a special guest speaker in honor
Shabbat Parshat Mishpatim, which introduces laws predominantly concerning human interaction and compassion, is a most fitting venue for Shabbat Shalem, the Shabbat dedicated to learning
May the learning of these Torah thoughts be merit le’iluy nishmas Menachem Mendel ben Harav Yoel Dovid Balk. This week we learned Gittin 47-53.
Shemot: 21: 33-35, 23: 9 Once, in the town of Oradell, on a rainy Sunday afternoon, two boys sat down to duel with their Yu-gi-oh