MTA Paints Towns Blue With Simchat Beit Hashoevot
On Wednesday of chol hamoed Sukkot, Yeshiva University High School for Boys (MTA) hosted Simchat Beit Hashoevot in Monsey, Brooklyn, Highland Park, Queens and Teaneck
On Wednesday of chol hamoed Sukkot, Yeshiva University High School for Boys (MTA) hosted Simchat Beit Hashoevot in Monsey, Brooklyn, Highland Park, Queens and Teaneck
Yavneh’s ECD students learned about fire safety and prevention. Thank you to firefighters Dan and AJ, the Paramus Fire Department and especially to Sparky the
The chag of Sukkot offered a plethora of opportunities for the TABC family to celebrate together. On the first night of Chol Hamoed, rebbeim, alumni
Children at LPS learned all about Parshat Noach. They explored the themes of animals, colors, sinking and floating. Children built Noach’s ark and sorted different
On Wednesday, October 26, Firefighter Dan and the Paramus Fire Department paid a special visit to Ben Porat Yosef to teach early childhood through second
A new program at Teaneck Chabad Preschool, Interactive Parsha with Morah Miriam Shapiro, brings the weekly parsha to life. The children learn about the parsha
Moriah School’s Nursery class made their own version of what tohu va’vohu might have looked like—a crazy, mixed up mess! But, Hashem had a plan.
A chill is in the air, but warmth is emanating from Ma’ayanot well beyond the school building. Beginning this fall and throughout the school year,
Boys in Rabbi Yosef Carlebach’s third grade class were handsomely rewarded for their dedicated hours of Torah study over Sukkot break. The boys were enthusiastic
Preschool students at LPS learned about autumn on a fall walk where they observed the signs of the season and changing colors of the trees.
Last Sunday, the Bergen County High School of Jewish Studies celebrated Sukkot by shaking the lulav, drinking lulav “shakes” and playing Sukkot bingo. Eighth grade
As Yeshivat Noam students begin to learn about creation, Buds students did an artistic re-creation of tohu va’vohu by tearing paper and making a “mushkababel”