TABC Juniors and Seniors Perform Chesed
At the end of “Avinu Malkenu,” we ask HaKadosh Baruch Hu to deal with us using His midah of chesed. The request acts as an
At the end of “Avinu Malkenu,” we ask HaKadosh Baruch Hu to deal with us using His midah of chesed. The request acts as an
The children at Teaneck Chabad preschool had fun in the new learning lab, a space for exploring materials in open-ended ways with an emphasis on
Inspired by their Rebbe, Rabbi Jason Finkelstein, Yeshivat Noam seventh graders dive into the Yom Kippur machzor to make their tefillot more meaningful.
Preschoolers at Lubavitch on the Palisades prepared for Sukkot by making their own arba minim sets. The children learned that although the four species are
Ben Porat Yosef students are just beginning their Sukkot preparations. Even before the school sukkah is built—by the sixth grade students—the fifth grade students are
Pre-k students at Yeshivat He’Atid were introduced to the beauty of building a sukkah in school this week. Students painted, decorated and constructed sukkot made
MTA recently kicked off the eighth year of Meet the Israeli Author, an elective course for juniors, created by Director of Hebrew Language Tova Fish-Rosenberg.
Last week, tenth grade Nach classes at Yeshivat Frisch had the opportunity to learn about the classic phrase “kachomer be-yad ha-yotzer”—“like clay in the hands
What started as a pilot program, after Pesach last year, has now become part of the culture and fabric of JEC High School. “Learning happens
In preparation for Yom Kippur, Rabbi Yaakov Glasser addressed the Yavneh Academy middle school students. Through stories, both from midrashim and his life, he demonstrated
During the Aseret Yemei Teshuvah before Yom Kippur, and in keeping with the personal growth theme in the school for this month, second through fourth