BPY Early Childhood Goes Apple Picking
Ben Porat Yosef kindergarten students had an amazing time apple-picking on Tuesday, October 10. They enjoyed gathering the apples and bringing them back to school
Ben Porat Yosef kindergarten students had an amazing time apple-picking on Tuesday, October 10. They enjoyed gathering the apples and bringing them back to school
The freshman class of Heichal HaTorah enjoyed an intense hike on the Giant Stairs at the Palisades Interstate Park with their rebbeim. The views were
On Monday, the children of Anshei Lubavitch Daycare had a chance to meet and interact with goats, donkeys, bunnies and more when a petting zoo
Sukkot has always been a chag replete with opportunities for TABC’s students to remain connected to their yeshiva. TABC’s talmidim fulfilled the mitzvah to be
On Thursday, September 28, Ma’ayanot’s STEAM team welcomed Dr. Ari Ginsberg, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Management at NYU’s Stern School of Business and Academic Director
In honor of Sukkot, the artists of Moriah’s fifth grade created colorful chains—שרשרת. The students learned that each color on the chain represents the many
As a way of providing simchat Yom Tov to others this Sukkot, Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School and Yeshivat He’Atid partnered to create and hang decorations
The RYNJ students of 4B1 are learning all about characterization, in reading about both real and fictional characters. In order to bring it all home,
Having already used the stream on the school property for tashlich, Ben Porat Yosef fourth grade students set out on the trails to observe the
Yeshivat Noam seventh grade talmidim learned about Chana and her sons in Shmuel Aleph in Rabbi Benjamin Pomper’s Navi class.
More than 130 talmidim participated in Mishmar Madness, a new learning program at MTA. Mishmar Madness, a bi-monthly event following regular mishmar, features a kumzitz,
In Rabbi Jeremy Hellman’s social studies class, the eighth graders examined and identified three main causes of the French Revolution: The social inequality of France,