Moriah First Graders Get Acclimated
In the short period of time since school has opened the amazing Moriah first graders have had a smooth transition into first grade. They are
In the short period of time since school has opened the amazing Moriah first graders have had a smooth transition into first grade. They are
On Wednesday, September 12, the Yavneh Academy middle school students heard from the world renowned maggid, Rabbi Paysach Krohn. Rabbi Krohn’s speech, “Bringing out the
Now that school is in full swing, Ma’ayanot students have had a chance to reflect on the experiences they gained during their summer science and
In an effort to ensure that freshmen have a smooth high school transition, MTA offers freshman experience events throughout the year. These events help freshmen
RYNJ fourth grade students began studying the properties of water. They investigated how water interacted with a variety of materials and used the findings of
Yeshivat Noam’s third grade scientists kicked off the new year learning how to think like scientists. Students are learning how to ask questions about everything
The entire BPY middle school ushered in a new year and the chagim together in tefillah.
In honor of Rosh Hashanah and Sukkot, the Moriah students created beautiful pictures of pomegranates. They discussed that a pomegranate carries much meaning and significance
In celebration of Dot Day coming up on September 15, Yavneh Academy first graders became celebri-dots when challenged to make their mark. After reading the
An exciting new course called Business, Balance and Bitachon will be taught by Morris Sutton this year at JEC High School. An experienced businessman and
On Tzom Gedalia, early childhood and lower school at JKHA took part in programs focusing on bettering themselves in the year ahead. JKHA Assistant Principal
As part of the weekly SEED (Student Enrichment, Education and Development) speaker program, RKYHS students had the privilege of hearing an inspirational aseret yemei teshuva