Can You Find the BPY Kindergartners in This Jackson Pollack Mural?
After learning about chameleons and how and why they change colors, the BPY kindergarten class placed their class Jackson Chameleon, ‘Picasso,’ on various colored pieces
After learning about chameleons and how and why they change colors, the BPY kindergarten class placed their class Jackson Chameleon, ‘Picasso,’ on various colored pieces
This week Yavneh Academy gan students continued exploring the world of brachot. They reviewed ha’etz knowledge from Tu B’Shevat and learned about all of the
Dozens of students at TABC were clamoring to enhance and upgrade their level of halachic observance. Thinking about what could complement what the students are
Yeshivat Noam Buds spent this week observing, sketching and creatively recreating trees all while learning about brachot. These experiences culminated in their Tu B’Shevat seder
Kol Chaverim Preschool learns about Eric Carle in conjunction with color week! The children read the books, “The Hungry Caterpillar,” “The Mixed Up Chameleon” and
Mrs. Becker’s RYNJ first grade boys were so excited for Super Bowl Sunday! Each student wrote a sentence predicting the outcome of the big game.
It’s the project that keeps on giving, even nine months after a video call from Teaneck to Madagascar. This month, Yeshivat He’Atid students from grades
Yeshivat Frisch seniors in Yael Goldfischer’s sefer Devarim elective had the opportunity to hear a guest lecture from Nishmat founder and dean, Rabbanit Chana Henkin
After three weeks of incredible learning at Yehivat Makor Chaim in Israel, as part of MTA’s exchange program, our journey was coming to an end
The 10th grade honors humanities class at Heichal HaTorah recently made the Metropolitan Museum of Art their classroom for an afternoon. Guided by their regular
Temperatures may have plummeted last week, but there was no brain freeze at Ma’ayanot. Juniors and seniors in Esther Slomnicki’s AP Bio classes traveled to
Should ice cream be eaten before dinner? Yeshivat Noam fifth graders are developing the skills to write persuasive essays, such as documenting and differentiating between