Congregation Etz Chaim of Livingston Holds Clothing Drive for Yad Leah
Members of the Etz Chaim synagogue in Livingston held a clothing drive on Sunday to benefit Yad Leah. They collected, sorted and packed over 25
Members of the Etz Chaim synagogue in Livingston held a clothing drive on Sunday to benefit Yad Leah. They collected, sorted and packed over 25
Sunday, Dec. 8, 11:30 a.m.: Arts Brunch w/David Aarons (’50s & ’60s dance party) Bagels and… $10 ($8 Y members) Wednesday, Dec. 18, 11:30am.: Chanukah
The RSVP Center of Essex and Hudson Counties, a program of JFS MetroWest, is excited to announce it will be the recipient of Barnes &
Congregation Ohav Emeth of Highland Park welcomes women from the community to a talk by Nechama Price entitled, “Praised, Required, Permitted, Forbidden: The Halachot of
It was a most unusual meeting I had two years ago with NFL legend Jim Marshall, the famed defensive end for the Minnesota Vikings during
Legend has it that 400 years ago, local native Americans relinquished ownership over the Island of “Manhattes” for the modern equivalent of about $1,000. In
Parshat Toldot The navi Malachi, whose words echo in today’s haftarah, served the Jewish nation during the time of Bayit Shani and actually was the
Famine: food is scarce, the sheep have nowhere to graze, what does one do? Yitzchak decides to follow his father’s footsteps, do his basic hishtadlut
Rashi explains that, in ancient Temple times, a Korban Todah offering, a thanksgiving offering, was brought by “someone who experienced a personal miracle” (Vayikra 7:12).
Our subject is a word that appears only six times in Tanach, only in the book of Psalms, and only in the first verse each
I have often been asked why there are so many unhappy marriages today. The question makes me wonder about just how prevalent this phenomenon is.
Last week I stood at the chuppah of my older brother, Binyamin, and his kallah, Sorah Miriam. The room was filled to capacity with friends