Ma’ayanot STEAM Team Goes to CIJE
Meira Shapiro and Sora Newmark represent Ma’ayanot at the CIJE Robotics Tournament. Ma’ayanot is so proud of them and Robot Rapid!
Meira Shapiro and Sora Newmark represent Ma’ayanot at the CIJE Robotics Tournament. Ma’ayanot is so proud of them and Robot Rapid!
On Wednesday, December 18, MTA’s Senior Yeshiva Fellowship Cohort and their mashgiach, Rabbi Mendelson, visited the Beth Din of America, where they heard from active
Ma’ayanot alumnae celebrated at the Hadran Siyum HaShas for women in Binyanei Hauma in Yerushalayim. Rabbanit Malka Bina, founder of Matan, specifically mentioned the Ma’ayanot
As part of the Kislev is for Kindness initiative, students who are caught doing random acts of kindness receive Shout Out cards and are publicly
To get students into the Chanukah spirit, He’Atid challenged them to create an original piece of art and/or an original chanukiah. The entries were displayed
On January 1, Heichal HaTorah participated in the Siyum HaShas with a group of 120 talmidim. This monumental event, a highlight of Heichal HaTorah history,
Lubavitch on the Palisades students began their winter unit by making snowmen, decorating snowflakes with shaving cream and paint, playing counting games with cotton balls
As part of spreading the light to others, the middle school students of Academies @ GBDS welcomed Smile on Seniors group from Chabad of Passaic
RYNJ second grade students learned how to combine lines and organic and geometric shapes to create beautiful watercolor paintings. This was the conclusion of a
This past Monday night, TABC and Ma’ayanot hosted their annual Jewish Life on Campus program. The evening featured 23 college students from schools including Brandeis,
One of the prominent underlying themes in Sefer Bereshit is the pursuit of achdut and love among brothers, which we read about during the latter
The pre-k class at Gan Henel shaped, baked and decorated Chanukah cookies and cards for the residents of Brightview Senior Living. They sang Chanukah songs