Are Porch Minyanim Kosher?
I. Pesach, Prayer And Bentching In the current phase of the coronavirus pandemic, all shuls around the world are closed and nearly every Jew globally
I. Pesach, Prayer And Bentching In the current phase of the coronavirus pandemic, all shuls around the world are closed and nearly every Jew globally
Parshiyot Tazria-Metzora As this Shabbat marks the first day of Iyar, we read the special haftarah for Rosh Chodesh, the complete chapter 66 of sefer Yishayahu,
Rav Schachter: Equity and Compassion In a ruling of great importance, Rav Herschel Schachter (Piskei Corona number 27) urges those whose Pesach programs were canceled
Chazal make at least seven suggestions (Arachin 16a) to help us make sense of the cause of the mysterious disease of tzara’as. Presumably, if we