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December 17, 2020

A Tribute to Rav Schwartz, zt”l

I was asked by my dear son-in-law, Yaacov Wahrhaftig, to write down a few words about Moreinu HaRav Gedalia Dov Schwartz, zt”l, who passed away

My Tallit

I wear my tallit in shul when I daven. I come on time so that when services begin I am ready. I remove my tallit

Refusing to Give Up

I am generally not considered a stubborn or angry person, but I admit there are times when circumstance makes me feel as though my blood

Advice for the Out-of-Town Dater

Q: As an out-of-town girl, I often face difficulty dating due to my location on the map. Aside from the long-distance travel, many times families

Gap Year, Pandemic Edition

(Courtesy of Bnei Akiva) If you asked Rachel Gelb, a Frisch alumna from Teaneck, currently in her gap year in Israel at Midreshet Torah V’Avodah

A New ‘Gap Year’ Experience

After careful consideration of where to attend seminary for my gap year in Israel, I was suddenly faced with the reality that the pandemic meant

Getting (Life) Fit

I am very grateful and satisfied in my career as a professional organizer. For some organizers, though, there are times they want to make a

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