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Pesachim 28a It’s 1 p.m. on Wednesday afternoon, Erev Pesach. The rabbi has already sold the chametz at 11:19 a.m. But I forgot to sell
Pesachim 28a It’s 1 p.m. on Wednesday afternoon, Erev Pesach. The rabbi has already sold the chametz at 11:19 a.m. But I forgot to sell
A Bewildering Mitzvah A pidyon haben is a joyous and pain-free occasion. All agree that we recite Shehechiyanu on this special occasion. However, many find
We encounter, in this week’s parsha, one of the remarkable acts of self-sacrifice, and in the process the formation of a great leadership quality: the
Parshat Vayigash Few are those familiar with the Tanach who are not acquainted with Yechezkel’s vision of the valley of the dry bones. The 37th
Last Shabbos was Parshat Miketz. Something unusual happened last Shabbos: We read the haftarah assigned to Parshat Miketz. Assuming I counted correctly, over 100 years,
The Tanach describes several important events that occurred in the era of the destruction of the First Temple: the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem
Every year around Chanukah time I call or visit my friend Joe Wolf to wish him a happy birthday. This year he turned 102 years
Jack was on a Birthright trip for the first time in Israel. The tour stopped at one of the largest yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael, Mir
Raised in the lap of his father Yaakov, with a whole world and future ahead of him, one day it all turns sour and so
Asara B’Tevet marks the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem that would ultimately result in Churban Bayit Rishon (the destruction of the First Temple). It is the
Author’s note: This was shared with my congregants at Congregation Keter Torah, and thereafter forwarded to The Jewish Link. As kids growing up in Kew
As my parents were not observant, there had to be a decision to send me to Talmud Torah or, as we know it, Hebrew School.