Moriah Early Childhood Holds Annual Bake Sale
On Thursday January 31, the Moriah early childhood held its annual bake sale to raise funds for the Evan Levy foundation in memory of Evan
On Thursday January 31, the Moriah early childhood held its annual bake sale to raise funds for the Evan Levy foundation in memory of Evan
Juniors in Ayelet Kopel’s physics class explored the center of mass last week. As a culmination of their unit on uniform circular motion and universal
Ma’ayanot Head of School, CB Neugroschl, addressed Ma’ayanot parents in an evening shiur entitled “Light Up Your Life.” At this virtual night of Torah learning,
Yeshivat He’Atid’s (YH) fifth to eighth grade students were honored to hear a motivating and inspirational presentation from Micah Kaufman, uncle of sixth-grade student Simmy
In Rav Yaakov’s Moledet class, BPY middle schoolers were tasked with a long term project of planning a trip to Israel from start to finish.
Yeshivat Noam Buds celebrated and showcased the themes learned in Sefer Breishit. They then enjoyed making a siyum.
Yavneh Academy and its Chesed Team were proud to participate in the The United Yeshiva Coat Drive for Yad Leah. Hundreds of coats and cold
December was 10th Grade Takeover Month at MTA, with tons of special activities and events just for sophomores, including Let’s Make A Deal, a late
In chemistry class, eighth grade students are busy learning about atoms, positive protons, neutral neutrons and negative electrons. For some hands-on learning and bringing atoms
Mazal tov to Yavneh Academy kitah bet students who received their chumashim on Sunday, December 27. All of the students and their families participated (from
Anshei Lubavitch students walked into school and discovered a winter wonderland in their classroom last week! The classroom was covered in white pom-pom snow with