Kol Chaverim Preschool Rings in 2021
Kol Chaverim preschool rung in the New Year with lots of learning and fun! They continued their winter units and enjoyed learning all about winter
Kol Chaverim preschool rung in the New Year with lots of learning and fun! They continued their winter units and enjoyed learning all about winter
Naaleh’s REACH committee has added the Yad Leah United Yeshiva Winter Coat Drive to the chesed roster! Students brought in coats that will be sent
Yeshivat Frisch’s senior curriculum encourages students to take an active role in their education, choosing from a variety of specialized electives in several disciplines. Last
Yeshivat Noam extends tremendous hakarat hatov to Hidden Sparks for gifting the teachers with multiple sessions of coaching with Lily Howard Scott. This opportunity was
Students and faculty at The Idea School are gearing up for the first Exhibition of Student Learning of the 2020/2021 school year. The exhibition will
The fourth graders were fortunate enough to have a special “guest” in their classes this past Monday. Nesya Malka (a BPY parent), works with children
The children at Gan Yaldenu Tots are learning about the winter. They talked about how in the winter the weather changes to being colder. The
There are no days off from Torah! On New Year’s Day, the entire TABC community was invited to a virtual shiur by Rabbi Daniel Fridman
Kindergarten students at Lubavitch on the Palisades celebrated the accomplishment of learning ten “red words” with a party. Red words are often high-frequency sight words
Yeshivat Noam sixth graders used interactive math games to learn to add integers.
Yeshivat He’Atid third graders completed their genre study on biographies. The completion of this unit springboarded into their monthly book club which focused on the
Over the last two months Moriah Kitah Daled students have been involved in many exciting learning experiences. They began Parshat Vayeshev which begins with the