March 9, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

February 4, 2021

Micah Kaufman Buys Dinner for TVAC

Micah Kaufman, center, with (l-r) TVAC (Teaneck Volunteer Ambulance Corps) member Jacob Finkelstein, TVAC chief Izzy Infield, Holy Name Paramedic Sean Reilly and Holy Name

Snow? S’No Problem!

After our shuls were closed down due to the pandemic, and backyard minyanim were allowed, many blocks in frum communities hosted their own backyard minyan;

This Purim, Send a Chai Lifeline Card

(Courtesy of Chai Lifeline) With Purim fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking about mishloach manot. This year, Purim falls out on erev Shabbat, February

Finding Her Voice: A Parent’s Story

Our weekly parenting group meeting was rolling along as it usually did—chitchat, joking, complaining, noshing—when my phone rang, and I immediately excused myself to speak

A Nation of Leaders

Rabbi Sacks, zt’’l, had prepared a full year of Covenant & Conversation for 5781, based on his book “Lessons in Leadership.” This week’s parsha consists

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