The Great Wrap Controversy
“My Rabbi says it’s Hamotzi!” “Well, mine says you can make a Mezonos!” “What are you guys talking about?? It’s mefurash a YouTube Video—where Rav
“My Rabbi says it’s Hamotzi!” “Well, mine says you can make a Mezonos!” “What are you guys talking about?? It’s mefurash a YouTube Video—where Rav
(Courtesy of Seeach Sod) Since 2013, the Shabbos Project, known by its slogan #Keeping it together, has grown from a local experiment in South Africa
(Courtesy of Darkaynu) Twenty teens and young adults arrived this week from the US, Canada and England to participate in the Elaine and Norm Brodsky
Everyone’s words have power. Our words can change someone’s perspective on another person, whether it makes them think greatly or horribly of them. Our words
The abortion debate in America can often leave observant Jews feeling like outsiders. The two sides, often dubbed “pro-life” and “pro-choice,” don’t quite fit into
This past week our freshmen went on their annual hike. Our freshman hike is an integral team-building activity that contributes to the unification of the
Guidance counselors on what it takes to create an excellent college application. Here’s a simple fact: The 50,000 applications that typically inundate an Ivy League
Shoshanah Susie Meyersdorf, aka Morah Shoshanah, is a born teacher. Her goal is her students’ success and she uses all of her considerable talents to
October is ADHD Awareness Month, Learning Disabilities Awareness Month and Selective Mutism Awareness Month. These developmental disorders, along with high-functioning autism, are the ones most
Gaming site creates game-changer for Jewish families and teachers. Once upon a time, a teacher could walk into a classroom, begin to speak, write on
The Collaborative for Applied Studies in Jewish Education (CASJE) is a community of researchers, practitioners and policymakers dedicated to improving the quality of knowledge that
When I worked in Hollywood I was extremely devoted to my career. So much so that when a colleague would occasionally make the rounds to