Divine Intervention In Shidduchim
Bruce Schechter and Michal Aryeh were middle-aged singles who had not yet found their match. They were suggested to each other, but Bruce lived in
Bruce Schechter and Michal Aryeh were middle-aged singles who had not yet found their match. They were suggested to each other, but Bruce lived in
As the nation hastily quits Egypt, Moshe has other concerns on his plate. On this epic day of freedom Moshe is preoccupied with the bones
Parshat Beshalach It seems that each time I review the story of Devorah HaNeviah, the prophetess Devorah, and the victory of Israel over the Canaanites,
The Torah begins with the story of Creation—not just because our world begins there historically, but also because it starts there philosophically. Hashem’s creation of
Moed Katan 3-4 In Moed Katan 3b, Rabbi Zeira makes a powerful point to Rabbi Abahu. Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel had each prohibited, by
Rav Yechezkel Levenstein, zt”l, the famed mashgiach of Yeshivas Mir, was a paradigm of mussar, avodas Hashem, emunah and bitachon. A man of great spiritual
Following the incredible event of Kriat Yam Suf, and having achieved a level of prophecy that according to Chazal was greater than the greatest of
If a person lights even a small candle in a dark room, the resultant light in a dark room is instantaneously recognizable. Even the flickering
Try to tell a child today that when you were a kid you used to write letters, and he will look at you strangely. He
Parshat Beshalach is known as Shabbat Shira, the Shabbat of Songs. In this week’s parsha, Hashem splits the sea so Bnei Yisrael can be saved
At the end of Exodus Chapter 17, we are told of a battle between the Israelites and Amalek. Moses said to Joshua: “Choose us men
The following is based on a holiday message from my friend and teacher Rabbi Lior Engelman. Tu B’Shevat (Arbor Day), which begins this year on