Parshas Mishpatim: Training to Take the Positive Path
Your alarm rings in the morning. It’s dark out and you feel exhausted. Then the conversation with yourself begins. “I’m so tired, I need a
Your alarm rings in the morning. It’s dark out and you feel exhausted. Then the conversation with yourself begins. “I’m so tired, I need a
Our family enjoys eating cherry tomatoes, particularly “Nature-Sweet cherub heavenly salad tomatoes.” Ironically, I have other close family members I grew up with who harbor
Is there such a thing as “bashert”? Are marriages preordained? Forty days before an embryo is even formed, a bat kol announces, girl A to
For the past few decades or more, I’ve developed a growing preoccupation with the midrashim that tell unusual tales and how they are commonly understood.
He [Rabbi Akiva] used to say: “Beloved is man who was created in God’s image. God expressed even more love by letting man know.” (Avot
The beloved Rebbe Zusha of Anipoli was a tzaddik of great spiritual ehrlichkeit and sensitivity. Though he and his family lived in constant poverty, they
The puzzle of the root בער has been burning inside me for decades. 1. Six times in Tanach we have a noun with the meaning:
Jonah seems the unlikeliest of heroes. His disinterest in fulfilling God’s word, and clueless efforts to flee from God’s command, render him at best mildly
(Courtesy of Yeshiva University) The Jewish agricultural cycle of shemitah may come around every seven years, but for a group of Yeshiva University students, a
The Event Space at the Brook Haven Mall in Passaic is nearing completion and booking dates start in mid-March, after Purim. The room can seat
JWed, a leading online Jewish dating and marriage service with over 3,600 confirmed marriages, believes that for each member, “It’s time your profile had a
It’s always fun holding a music meeting with Heilige Al Gordon. Radio Folks update charts weekly in effort to please the listeners. Join us for