Stolen Affection: Yevamot 110a
In Yevamot 110a, the Gemara discussed one of the small set of incidents in which Rav Ashi declares אַפְקְעִינְהוּ רַבָּנַן לְקִידּוּשֵׁי מִינֵּיהּ, that even though
In Yevamot 110a, the Gemara discussed one of the small set of incidents in which Rav Ashi declares אַפְקְעִינְהוּ רַבָּנַן לְקִידּוּשֵׁי מִינֵּיהּ, that even though
When I was a student in Fordham University pursuing my master’s in social work, one of my professors recounted an experience that he had witnessed,
In this week’s parsha, Sh’lach, we read about the Meraglim, the spies that were sent by Moshe to check out the land of Israel. These
On February 24 of this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine. Over one third of the population of the Ukraine have been displaced, causing
The cheit meraglim, the sin of the spies, is one of the most dramatic and tragic episodes in the entire Torah. However, a close reading
R’ Yoel (Julius) Klugmann, z”l, was a legendary activist, as well as a confidante to Gedolei Yisrael and respected senior member of the Washington Heights
The very end of last week’s parsha records the incident of Miriam speaking lashon hara about Moshe, and the very beginning of this week’s parsha
Verse 10: “eshet chayil mi yimtza?” These four words imply that it is hard to find a woman of valor. Yet at verse 29 we
Highlighting: ‘Center Stage: Incredible Stories and the People Behind Them’ by C.B. Weinfeld. ArtScroll/Mesorah Publications. C.B. Weinfeld knows people. And she knows how to tell
The contributions of Rabbi Chaim Jachter, as a writer, rebbe, consultant and overall resource have played a major role in enabling, enhancing and elucidating halachic
Reviewing: “American Shtetl: The Making of Kiryas Joel, a Hasidic Village in Upstate New York” by Nomi M. Stolzenberg and David N. Myers. Princeton University
Reviewing: “A Stroll for the Soul: A Book of Jewish Poems” by Efrat Malachi. Independently published. 2021. English. Paperback. 148 pages. ISBN-13: 979-8526900256. Deep, meaningful