Shabbos Shuva: Keep Taking Steps Towards Hashem
Ever have a neighbor that unnerves you? I have. She has scared my kids many times with her loud noises and threatening tone whenever they’re
Ever have a neighbor that unnerves you? I have. She has scared my kids many times with her loud noises and threatening tone whenever they’re
For almost two months, beginning on Rosh Chodesh Elul and continuing through the Yamim Noraim and Sukkot, we add the paragraph of L’Dovid Hashem Ori
We have all heard of the proverb mentioned in the title above. It is attributed to Alexander Pope who wrote it in a poem in
Yom Kippur “Kol makom she’ata motzeh g’dulato shel HaKadosh Baruch Hu—sham ata motzeh anvatanuto..” In Masechet Megilla (31a) Rabbi Yochanan teaches us: “Wherever you find
In Ketubot 84a, a mishna relates a dispute between Rabbi Tarfon and Rabbi Akiva. If Reuven dies and leaves a widow, a creditor, and heirs
ויאמר mehsaH אֶל משֶׁה הִנְּךָ שֹׁכֵב עִם אֲבֹתֶיךָ וְקָם הָעָם הַזֶּה וְזָנָה אַחֲרֵי אֱלֹ’ נֵכַר הָאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר הוּא בָא שָׁמָּה בְּקִרְבּוֹ וַעֲזָבַנִי וְהֵפֵר אֶת בְּרִיתִי
Sometime during the spring, my wife handed me a brand-new set of barbecue instruments she had just purchased so that I could tovel (immerse) them
Cruising down the parkway, I noticed a car that was seemingly advertising the message: “One Life—Live It.” Needless to say, I was confused. Maybe it
Part I: Ketubot 110b “A person should always live in the Land of Israel even if he lives among idolaters and should not live outside
Chazal tell us, “Gadol ham’aseh, yoser min ha’oseh,” greater is the one who causes someone to do a mitzvah than the one who actually does
When my family and I spent a sabbatical year in Israel 15 years ago, we lived in the Katamon section of Yerushalayim on a small
This school year, 2022-2023, we have chosen Kavana/Mindfulness as SAR Academy’s theme of the year. Kavana is a term we hear often in halachic contexts,