Westchester Day School Welcomes Prospective Families to Open House
On Sunday, Westchester Day School hosted its Open House for early childhood (2-year-old Tots and ganon) through eighth grade. Head of School Rabbi Dani Rockoff,
On Sunday, Westchester Day School hosted its Open House for early childhood (2-year-old Tots and ganon) through eighth grade. Head of School Rabbi Dani Rockoff,
In honor of last week’s Parshat Vayera, Avraham and Sarah joined BPY’s early childhood’s Kabbalat Shabbat! The children got to be guests in their tent
As a kick-off to their upper school’s study of Hilchot Shabbat this year, Netivot welcomed Jill Shulman and her angora rabbit, Milo! She shared with
This past week, Heichal’s Torah Bowl team competed in this season’s first meet against other local yeshivos. The first competition of the year, which included
On Monday November 7, over 100 current and prospective families came to check out the magic of MDS! After getting a taste of MDS food,
Ma’ayanot’s sophomore STEAM course, a core curricular requirement, is dedicated to using coding and fabrication to design and create a project for a specific child
The pre-k class of the Lauren Elise Bier Nursery School began its fall apple unit. The children made predictions if they thought the apples would
The families of Kol Chaverim Preschool in Fair Lawn joined together for a fun Sunday morning of Disney on Ice. Everyone enjoyed sitting together and
After learning about Parshat Vayera, Gan Henel had such a great time inviting their friends from other classes over. They made invitations and welcome signs,
Anshei Lubavitch students are immersing themselves in learning all about the season of fall. The children enjoyed nature walks, leaf collecting, raking up piles of
Cheder Yaldei Menachem learned from Avraham Avinu about the special mitzvah of hachnasat orchim, and got very busy being gracious hosts! Some classes practiced setting
Preschool children at Lubavitch on the Palisades learned all about the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim in Parshat Vayera. They learned that Avraham’s tent had four