Yavneh Academy Learns About Techeilet
One of the great halachic discoveries in the past few decades is the renewal of techeilet, the light blue dye that the Torah commands to
One of the great halachic discoveries in the past few decades is the renewal of techeilet, the light blue dye that the Torah commands to
It was a fun few days in He’Atid’s first grade as the students presented their book report projects. The first graders read books about seasons
Thanks to the Yeshivat Noam Parents Association, Yeshivat Noam students in grades one through three enjoyed a special visit from author and illustrator Abby Hanlon.
Last week Moriah early childhood students participated in a bake sale in memory of Evan Levy, z”l. The children learned that the money raised at
Along with their peers from Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School, students at SINAI Maor spent time volunteering during the Dec. 25-Jan. 1 holiday break at
YBH of Passaic is proud to announce that the YBH girls’ VEX robotics teams won second and third place in the CIJE VEX Robotics Championship
During the week of Chanukah, The Idea School students and faculty were honored to dedicate the Miri Maker Makom, the school’s maker space. The Miri
Our middle school girls had a special mother-daughter event in honor of Morah Nitza’s mother’s 20th yahrzeit. Morah Kaplan started off the event by speaking
Some seventh graders at Bi-Cultural Hebrew Academy took a chesed field trip to the Elayne and James Schoke Jewish Family Service in Stamford last week
SAR Academy welcomed students back to school from winter break and celebrated Shavua Ivrit, an SAR tradition of celebrating the Hebrew language and immersing students
How are finishing the first book of the Torah and a pajama party connected? The MDS early childhood department celebrated a siyum of the book
Westchester Torah Academy is so excited to be back from winter break! With such unseasonable and dreary weather, it was a real treat to celebrate