How to Direct Our Focus for Teshuva
Last year, as I got up to give the Shabbos Shuvah drasha in our yeshiva, it dawned on me that most of the people there
Last year, as I got up to give the Shabbos Shuvah drasha in our yeshiva, it dawned on me that most of the people there
Parshat Haazinu As is true with Shabbat parashat Devarim (“Chazon”) and Shabbat parshat Vaetchanan (“Nachamu”), the first word of this week’s haftarah also lends its
Here we are—at the very end of the Torah—and the Jewish people suddenly get a new name, used for the first time here and for
לעילוי נשמת יואל אפרים בן אברהם עוזיאל זלצמן ז”ל Question: I (a religious doctor) am often consulted about those who cannot fast for all of
Day of Purification Though we generally associate Yom Kippur with atonement, the Torah defines taharah (purification) as the day’s goal. “For on this day, He
For decades now, I’ve observed a personal minhag to share a dvar Torah at every Shabbat and holiday meal, whenever we are at home and
Although I have lived in Monsey for most of my life, I am not a Monsey native. My formative years were spent living in the
There was great rejoicing when a shidduch was made between the families of the Rhizner Rebbe, Reb Yisroel Friedman, and the Riminover Rebbe, Reb Zvi
Is there a more perfect month for us to read parshat Haazinu? Hashem had asked Moshe and Yehoshua in parshat Vayelech to write a song
There’s a heartwarming story told about two of the greatest chasidic rebbes of the 18th century, who grew up as best friends. Rav Avraham Twersky,
In 1924 the Yaboliner Rebbe, Rav Yechezkel Taub led his followers to Palestine where they established Kfar Hasidim. Unfortunately things soon began to go bad:
I recently posted a question on a religious social group on Facebook: “Should newlyweds write thank you notes for wedding/engagement gifts? I grew up with