The Need for Authentic Intelligence
In the 16-word poem “The Red Wheelbarrow,” William Carlos Williams lauds the indispensability, of all things, of a red wheelbarrow glazed with rainwater. He does
In the 16-word poem “The Red Wheelbarrow,” William Carlos Williams lauds the indispensability, of all things, of a red wheelbarrow glazed with rainwater. He does
After being liberated from Auschwitz, my grandfather “Poppa” Eliyahu Friedman returned home to Kosice, Czechoslovakia. Arriving at his house, he heard noises coming from inside.
A number of years ago, on Simchas Torah morning, after the kiddush ended, I carried our (then) 3-year-old son Dovid beneath the canopy spread atop
When the floodwaters subside, Noach is alone. Just mere weeks before, human civilization was robust and populous, though it had fallen prey to greed, lust
It was the happiest of times, it was the unhappiest of times. It was Simchat Torah, the happiest day of the year, and the only
As Sukkot came to a close, sirens echoed across Israel just before dawn on October 7, as hordes of Hamas terrorists from Gaza launched a
The two episodes in Parashat Noach—the annihilation of the world by the Flood and the destruction of the Tower of Babel—end on a similar theme.
The first time Gaza is mentioned in Tanach is in our parsha, as one of the cities on the boundary of the Land of Canaan.
Do we run Freshman Day? It was hardly the most important question facing the Jewish people on Monday, October 9. After the horrifying news began
A friend of mine contacted me with the following question. He was reading a verse in Nach (see below) and noticed that the root ענק
What is your “go to” פסוק (Biblical verse) right now? With so much pain and suffering in the world at this time, very many people
I pray to Hashem every day, most of the time together with a minyan. However, most of the time I simply recite the words of