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September 16, 2024
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November 16, 2023

Thank You Bnai Yeshurun

Sometimes the answer to an impossible halachic question is a human solution. Let me explain. First, the background: Soldiers who have been in Gaza for

The Benefits of Blue Laws

A letter writer, “Name Withheld,” stated, “These laws mandate that certain stores close on Sundays disrupting our lives and limiting our freedom to shop when

Getting the Law Right

As an attorney, I read with great interest Rabbi Shlomo Brody’s article, “How Israel Can Respond Ethically to Hamas” (Nov. 9, 2023). Unfortunately, while he

The Lonely People of History

When even Israel’s allies begin to lose moral clarity about the justness of this war, Jews will stand and proclaim our truth. Perhaps the most

An Evening of Ascent

Many Jews around the world, deeply concerned about the well-being of our brethren in Israel, and especially our chayalim (soldiers) on the front lines of

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