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February 1, 2024

Zera Shimshon on Parshas Yisro

וַיְסַפֵּר משֶׁה לְחֹתְנוֹ אֵת כָּל אֲשֶׁר עָשָׂה יְדֹוָד לְפַרְעֹה וּלְמִצְרַיִם עַל אוֹדֹת יִשְׂרָאֵל אֵת כָּל הַתְּלָאָה אֲשֶׁר מְצָאָתַם בַּדֶּרֶךְ וַיַּצִּלֵם יְדֹוָד: וַיִּחַדְּ יִתְרוֹ עַל כָּל

Connect to the Great and Become Great

Yitro’s name wasn’t always Yitro. In fact, although our parsha begins by stating that, “Yitro, the minister of Midian, the father-in-law of Moshe, heard everything

How Do We Best Honor Our Parents?

In this week’s Torah portion, Yisro, we delve into the profound commandment of honoring our fathers and mothers. The “Aseret Hadibrot” (The Ten Commandments,) delivered

Hearing All the Sounds

The revelation at Mount Sinai comes to an end. The Ten Commandments, detailing the framework for the covenant between God and the Jewish people, have

The Journey Itself Is the Reward

Daniel Day-Lewis once said: “There must’ve been some part of me that wanted to make my mark. But there was never a defining moment.” Firmly

Rabbi Zevulun Charlop, zt”l

There is a powerful symbolism in the fact that this past week was the one in which shiva is being observed for Rav Zevulun Charlop,

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