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September 28, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

May 30, 2024

Sometimes All It Takes Is One Mitzvah

Highlighting: “Zera Shimshon on Tehillim” by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer. Mesorah Publications Ltd. 2024. Hardcover. 350 pages. ISBN-13: 978-1422640319. (Courtesy of Artscroll) The pasuk in Tehillim

An Ode to Rabbi Sacks, zt”l

Reviewing: “An Ode to Joy: Judaism and Happiness in the Thought of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks and Beyond” by Erica Brown and Shira Weiss (editors).

The Issue of Return

Highlighting: “The War of Return: How Western Indulgence of the Palestinian Dream Has Obstructed the Path to Peace,” by Adi Schwartz and Einat Wilf. Points

Memories of Sefirah

For some reason, the hardest mitzvah to remember seems to be Sefiras HaOmer. Which is crazy for a mitzvah that we do 49 times a

A Summer Favorite: Tomatoes

My apologies to Food & Wine for borrowing three of their recipes on tomato salads, with my changes. People who visit Israel often remark that

Healthy Salmon Dishes

As the weather starts to get warmer, serving salmon makes a nice main course. Besides being high in protein, iron, Vitamin D and potassium, it


Hi! Last week’s cufflinks were the dollar signs (A gift from my mom; these are primarily the kinds of birthday/Father’s Day/festivals gifts I get nowadays),

A Little Respect

It’s great to be respectful. The upcoming day of Lag B’Omer is special for many reasons. One of them is that it celebrates the end

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