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September 16, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

August 1, 2024

Visiting Yad Leah in Passaic

Last Thursday, I had the good fortune to visit one of my favorite organizations in Northern New Jersey, Yad Leah, which today has an expansive

Show Some Respect

A letter regarding the world of politics appears in the July 25, 2024 Jewish Link (“It’s Time to Go, Joe.”) A reader, Zachary Greenberg, makes

Response to a Well Stated Premise

A letter writer brought to our attention that there is a beautiful spiritual method of lighting the Shabbos candles (“Another Solution to an Age-Old Question,”

The Debate About Secular Studies

There is universal agreement in the frum Jewish world that Torah is the supreme and ultimate value. The ideal is to immerse oneself in Torah

Respectful Disagreement

With appreciation to Rabbi Haim Jachter for bringing the very interesting decision of the Beth Din of America to the attention of us Jewish Link

Netanyahu at Congress

A great shout out of thanks to the various members of congress and senators who attended Netanyahu’s grand speech. There was so much applause and

Tikkun Olam: It Is Time for a Change

After serving on the Associated Federation Community Boards of Directors in Baltimore, Maryland for 29 consecutive years, I never anticipated writing this. The events of

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