Avodah Zara in Galut?
In Devarim, perek 4, Moshe Rabbeinu warns us that we face exile from our beloved land if we betray Hashem and His Torah. He even
In Devarim, perek 4, Moshe Rabbeinu warns us that we face exile from our beloved land if we betray Hashem and His Torah. He even
Last week, Ismail Haniyeh—a notorious bloodthirsty murderer and leader of a gang of ruthless terrorists—was removed from this planet. He was a vile murderer, accountable
Whenever my four-year-old twin grandsons (Aryeh and Nosson Tzvi) see the Hebrew letter Aleph, they say, “That’s Aleph for Aryeh.” When they see the letter
This Difficult Year Typically, we identify with Shabbat Nachamu more than with Tisha B’Av. Most of us have lived comfortable and secure lives devoid of
Even if you can’t have it, you should still want it. That line may sound like the opposite of the 10th commandment,“lo tachmod,” that warns
וָאֶתְחַנַּן אֶל יְדֹוָד בָּעֵת הַהִוא לֵאמֹר (דברים ג:כג) (Courtesy of Zera Shimshon) On the first pasuk in our parsha (Devorim 3:23), “And I (Moshe) pleaded
Parshat Vaetchanan Shabbat Nachamu The haftarah for Shabbat Nachamu opens the “sheva denechemta,” the seven post-Tisha B’Av haftarot with Yishayahu’s prophecies of comfort. It also
The Jewish people sinned doubly, as it says, “Cheit chatah Yerushalayim – (The people of) Jerusalem sinned a sin” (Eicha 1:8). And they were punished
May 1957, Kfar Chabad: The small fledgling community founded by Russian Lubavitcher immigrants was shaken to the core when Islamic terrorists (“fedayeen”) attacked the village,
What is it that we truly value above all else? If you say family, God or Eretz Yisrael then good for you. However, if you
לעילוי נשמת יואל אפרים בן אברהם עוזיאל זלצמן ז”ל Question: I use a divider—which is held in place by suction cups—on our counter. I rarely
The famous declaration of the Shema is brought in our parsha, and interestingly, the midrash (Devarim Rabbah, 2:31) relates that Bnei Yisrael merited to recite